How To Keep your Lungs Healthy? By Gdax Ed

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  • Added: August 24, 2020

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  • Location: India

  • State: Delhi

  • City: Palam

  • Views: 320

  • Brand Name: Gdaxed


We all know that lungs are an important part of our body like heart, eyes, legs, etc, so you have to always take care of it and take some necessary steps to keeps it healthy and whole.

1. Don’t smoke or stop if you are smoking:- Smoking can increase the risk of cancer, so you have to stop smoking, smoking can also cause COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and asthma.

2. Do Regular Exercise:- If want to keep your lungs healthy, you should do regular exercise because regular exercise can improve your stamina and life of your lungs.

3. Prevent Infection:- Infection is the largest reason to damage your lungs especially as you age.



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