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Category : Hospitals & Clinics
Maxillofacial surgery India (MSI) is a specialized Multidisciplinary centre majoring in all surgeries related to the head and neck region. It is a group of Doctors which includes Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, ENT, Neurologists, Plastic Surgeons, Pain Spec
Category : Health & Fitness
Basically, in liposuction surgery doctor extract the excess fat from the desired area of the body. Firslty, doctor made incisions and excess tissues and fat are removed and then these incisions are closed with stitches. All this procedure is done under local a
Dealing with baldness or spotty hair loss problems? Don’t suffer anymore. Just get relief from your baldness problems with the best and scar-free hair transplant in Andhra Pradesh by the Dr.C.Vijay Kumar at Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplanta
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